Inwood Academy Athletics

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At Inwood Academy we believe that athletics have so many positive benefits to the development of a student. Athletics offer you, the student, an opportunity to become disciplined, enhance your ability to work with others, and develop your leadership skills. However, participating in Athletics for Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School is something that is earned and also, most importantly a PRIVILEGE.  

As a Student Athlete you will be held to a specific standard of Academic Performance, Behavior, and Conduct. As a Student Athlete you are held to these standards because you have been chosen amongst so many others, to represent the “TRAILBLAZERS”.


  1. Partially meeting the standard (Passing) is considered a 2.3 or higher
  2. Student-athletes at the middle school level must pass all classes at EVERY official release of progress report or marking period report card. 
    1. Exception to first progress report in the fall marking period. 
  3. Combination Rule:
    1. Student-athletes with a content grade between 2.0 and 2.2 can be considered passing IF their H.O.W. grade is 3.0 or higher.
      1. Content grade 2.0 + H.O.W. grade 3.0 = PASS 
      2. Content grade 2.0 + H.O.W. grade 2.9 = FAIL
      3. Content grade 1.9 + H.O.W. grade 3.3 = FAIL
      4. Content grade 2.3 or above (H.O.W. grade not considered due to passing content grade)
  4. Failure to pass every class will result in ineligible status.
  5. Ineligibility status remains until the following progress report/report card or academic eligibility review approval.
  6. Only the coach can submit an Academic Eligibility review on behalf of the student-athlete.
  7. Only 1 Eligibility Review will be accepted per athletic season.
  8. Student-athletes cannot attend away games/matches during ineligible status.
  9. Student-athletes who are absent cannot attend practice or a game on the day of absence unless they provide an official doctor's note.
  10. Student-athletes must maintain a 90% attendance rate at each marking period to remain eligible.
  11. Eligibility status is only approved or denied by the athletic department in partnership with parents, teachers, and leadership.
  12. Student-athletes who are chronically late will be at risk of becoming ineligible to participate in games. This will be handled on a case by case basis.
  13. Student-athletes must attend mandatory study hall each week.
  14. Student-athletes must complete 3 online or in person trainings per season assigned by the athletic department.
  15. Student-athletes are held to a standard of behavior and conduct. Failure to uphold this standard will result in disciplinary action. 
    1. Additional actions impacting athletic eligibility status related to behavior will be on a case by case basis. 
      1. For example: student-athlete suspension on days of scheduled games or practices will result in student-athletes not attending. Outside of those days the consequences are on a case by case basis.